I have come to the conclusion that for me at least the practical max range (for practice) for me is about 10yds. With my little Ruger LCP, and cast, I can keep all shots on paper, and the majority in the black. For me, that is satisfactory. I am wondering if others shooting the little 9 could advise me if they are shooting at distances further than I have established for myself?
"Common Sense Is An Uncommon Virtue" Ben Franklin"Ve got too soon old and too late smart" Pa.Dutch Saying
I shoot a Walther PPK/S, and usually shoot 7 yards and occasionally at 10. I don't think many were designed for shooting much past that.
7 to 15 yards with my Kel-tec P32. That PPK should be better than that since it has a real trigger.
Short sight radius, small sights, small grips, mediocre to worse triggers on most
don't lend to target shooting.OTOH, my wife has a Sig P238 which has a good trigger, good sights so it does
better than average. Much of the reason she has that one is that she said
that the Keltec P3AT sights and trigger were unacceptable.Bill
If it was easy, anybody could do it.
I was taught by a WW2 OSS vet, who was an instructor at "the farm" in basic tradecraft for intelligence officers and clandestine operators, that the purpose of a pocket pistol is to neutralize immediate threats to life or to avoid capture, to "shoot and scoot" to create a window for escape.The admonishment was, "if you stand and fight, you'll never live to shoot'em all!"
If your job is not "combat" but you have a dangerous job to do in a denied area where hostiles are actively looking for you, with the intent that you be captured, drugged, tortured and imprisoned for years until you can be exchanged for an asset allied forces are holding, the rule is that "he who shoots and runs away may live to spy another day...."
We were taught that engagement range was from contact to 10 meters, putting "burst on target", firing instinstinctive point, convulsive grip, double- or triple taps in 1-2 seconds, then breaking off contact to disappear....
A good reference is "Shooting to Live" by Fairbairn, and Bullseyes Don't Shoot Back" by Col. Rex Applegate.
Last edited by Outpost75; Today at 06:30 PM.
The little pocket 380's are certianly not range guns, especially with factory ammo. They can be punishing, and not easy to be accurate with. I practice at about 10 yards. Trying to hit something further out can be dissapointing.You may not post new threadsYou may not post repliesYou may not post attachmentsYou may not edit your postsForum Rules
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Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt"
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