Friday, December 27, 2013

Why i like glocks


Old Yesterday, 07:46 AM Yes, the Glock is an ugly hunk of plastic and metal. Yes, it is ridiculed by some as the "tupperware" pistol. Yes, some people turn their noses down at the thought of a Glock. It's kind of "cool" to be anti-Glock, particularly on gun forums where some regard it as a mark of their knowledge of firearms to "hate the plastic pistol" etc. Others just don't like it because they think it is has, well, a face only a mother would love. There's nothing stylish about a Glock. On the other hand: they do what they are made to do, reliably. They are very easy to maintain. They require little by way of training to learn how to get it to go bang. Some hate that they have no external safety. With a round in the chamber, all you do is pull the trigger and it goes bang and you keep pulling the trigger until the magazine runs out of ammo. That's good, for some, bad for others.

But, frankly, I like Glocks because they have a proven track record of simply working. They just work.

So, without further ado: here is my "Why I Like Glock" video, and, as always, offered respectfully, FWIW, mindful that YMMV.


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Garand Collectors Association Old Yesterday, 02:32 PM StretchNM's AvatarFairly good video.

I said in another thread, they're good pistols. But in the early 90's I had to pump, literally, thousands of rounds through each of several firearms, and that included the Glock. To the point of complete exhaustion and muscle fatigue by midday, each day. It does what it's supposed to do, but all guns do that. Not bad, but I don;t own one. One thing though, they are nearly half the cost of a SIG, so that's a plus.

Stretch ?

"If you are a reloader and you don't know Lee, you don't know Jack" - Floydster


Reply With Quote Old Yesterday, 09:58 PM I was among the "don't care for them at all" crowd. There was no reason to own one because to me, they didn't do anything that any number of other, better looking, better feeling guns did just as well.

But, one day I wanted a small 10mm and the Glock 29 was the apparent answer. After mine arrived and I started shooting it and inspecting it, that's when I began to appreciate it. Not because it 'just worked', but because 1) it's built like a tank in terms of material thickness in the slide and particularly around the chamber area--far heavier than many other guns I'm familiar with, 2) it showed no signs of wear due to cycling (slide, rails). unlike my M&Ps which show significant insert wear after just a few thousand rounds, and 3) take down, even on my Gen 3, is something of a miracle of simplicity compared to any other gun I've owned.

So, I don't think they are necessarily any more reliable than any other gun I've fired, but they appear to me to share some design features that really matter and that really do make them exceptional. If you simply don't like polymer pistols, simply don't like striker-fired weapons, or simply don't care to own a butt-ugly handgun, then I imagine you don't care to own a Glock. I certainly understand all of that.

?If I had to live my life again, I'd make the same mistakes, only sooner.? T Bankhead Reply With Quote Reply

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