Boolit Master Join DateFeb 2008LocationTexasPosts558
HAHAHAHA.... I love learning new hunting techniques... never hunted from a road grader before.
Rattlesnakes from tractors, yes.
Pigs from planes yes,
But moose from a motor grader?? Not yet.Now all I need to do is find a moose within 1000 miles!!
Salvaging old Marlins is not a's a passion
After seeing a Core-Lokt in a 300 Win. Mag. blow up on the shoulder of a 200" buck I'd prefer to hunt with a cast boolit in the 30-30. IMHO
It's all my moose guide used in Alberta when I hunted up there. The majority of the Canadians in that area used either .30-30's or .303's. My bull moose came down with one shot from my .30-06 at 150 yds with a factory 220 Win. Silvertip. I agree with the the above post about a good hit, wait, and find them within 50 yds. That's what my guide does.
I don't think it has been said yet but assuming your uncle is here in Wyoming we are talking about Shiras moose, the smallest of the subspecies of moose. That said they are still big, a big cow can still top 1000 pounds. I don't know if I would use a 30-30 on a moose here in Wyoming but if I did I would shoot the heaviest bullet I could as fast as I could and get close. I have been able to get inside the 20 yard mark on a medium sized cow moose and inside 30 yards of a young bull....I felt pretty small.If I was set one using a 30 caliber and cast on moose I would run the 247 NOE in a 30-06 with a 50/50 Pure/WW mix at 2200 or more feet per second. If I draw this year I will probably buy a new rifle though
Doug /aka Flash
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Sticks and stones may break my bones but hollow points expand on impact.Taxidermists are cheaper than surgeons....keep shooting
?O?O? ????
I know where I come from
How 'bout you?
Some of these guys are making it too complicated. Load your uncle some plain ol' ACWW alloy NOE 165gr 30-30 bullets to 1900 fps or so, and let that big meplat do its job. Which it will.
I've killed 9 bull moose to date, 8 with a 7mm Rem Mag and 1 with the 338WM. I go over gunned as do the guys in my camp but a 30-30 will definitely do the job, as others have said keeping shots within the limits of the cartridge. I also own a 30-30 and I'm aware of it's potential, but I choose a round with more horsepower.
Realistically, moose aren't really all that tough if you poke 'em thru the slats and stay out of the shoulder meat. I've never had a moose drop instantly from a lung shot but I also don't destroy much meat that way either.
I'm the gun totin, meat eatin', BIBLE readin', redneck conservative your mother always warned you about.
Thanks guys.
My uncle lives over in Greybull and hunts above Shell. I'm 40 miles north of Cody on the state line so its a short 80 mile jont for me to go hunting with him, which I will. I want to witness and report.
Me and the wife went with a friend of mine 2 years ago and he shot a nice bull at 30yds with a bow and yes they ARE big.Junior, thats kinda what I was thinking about doing, and I have some cast up already. Then I got to second guessing and thought I better check here first.
I sure am thinking about getting a road grader though. Sit in the cab when the wind and snow is blowing. Might be nice.
The 30-30 generally does a better job than most people expect. It penetrates simply because it isn't moving very fast - the same bullet would blow up if it were driven at 30-06 velocity. It's normal to see a jacketed slug from a 30-30 penetrate as good or better as a similar type/weight bullet from a 30-06.Moose are easy to kill but they take a while to fall down, mostly because an animal that big takes a while to bleed out. I'm going to attempt to shoot a moose this year with a 32-40 winchester using 170 gr gc wfn boolits at 1600 fps.
Last edited by jethunter; Today at 06:49 AM.
If I draw this year I will probably buy a new rifle thoughnow your talking
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Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt"
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