Sunday, November 24, 2013

Decided to Re-Do the furniture on my Arsenal SGL-20

Decided to Re-Do the furniture on my Arsenal SGL-20 Currently have it all Tapco'd out. Decided my Arsenal deserves better. Tapco stuff belongs on WASRs (except for the awesome G2 Trigger and the Retaining Plate) which I plan to get later so I think I will save the Tapco stuff for it. Thinking about going with the Hogue Forend and Pistol Grip, K-VARs NATO Length fixed stock, Tango Down Short Vertical Grip (maybe), ALL in OD Green. Usually, my philosophy has been all black everything, but now I have a safe full of a bunch of black guns (except for a few wood guns) and I want a little variety. My question is would all these different pieces look right together in OD Green or will the shades of green be different and make it look stupid? Would it be better to just keep it all black? __________________
"A life fought for others is a life worth living"
Saiga SGL-20, Mosin Nagant 91/30, Springfield M1 Garand, Thompson 1927A1, Browning A-Bolt Stainless Stalker, Savage Mark II FV-SR, Franchi SPAS 12, Benelli M2 Field, Stevens 320 Security, Glock 30 SF, HK USP .45 V1, Taurus Judge Public Defender Polymer, Smith and Wesson Bodyguard .380 and .38

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