I don't know what the hangup was (was told via email by the company Pres lastyear that they were to be shipped and "in the pipe-line" by early/mid summer lastyear but I never saw or could find anyone that ever received any so I bought my G-gun.) but I finally laid eyes on the Henry 45-70 lastweek and I must say it looked considerably better in person than it did on their website. It was in a glass case so I didn't bother asking to have it taken out and "felt up". I was just curious if anyone in here has actually had their paws on one or especially if anyone has shot one? I know it's "sacrilege" in some circles, but I actually like the idea of the front load tube as it is less wear on cartridges loading/emptying.
Was just curious if anyone in here had run one thru the mill?
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