1. If you run into a Grizzly, the last place you want your pistol is in your pack.
2. I wouldn't use any auto caliber against any bear, let alone a grizzly.
3. If you are insistent upon using an Auto I would look at 10mm and in that caliber your options are few and not cheap. You're also likely to need specialized ammo as most OTC ammo in 10mm is nothing more than large 40.
Fully realizing this is the auto forum, I would highly recommend you reconsider the auto solution and spend $800 or so on a .44 Magnum revolver loaded with hard cast 300gr bullets and a speed loader in your coat pocket.
There are some things an auto is not good for, large dangerous game being one of them. In my opinion, shooting at a Griz with a .45 will do one thing, guarantee you are on the menu because you just wounded him and now he's mad.
Brian I read your post, I just don't want this guy getting himself put on the menu and since it is his first post, perhaps there are things he didn't consider.
Last edited by HKGuns; Today at 12:02 AM.
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