I stoked them with a variety of loads and let them bark at 10 yard targets.
First up was a batch of lightweight Cowboy loads. 265 grain lead over 5.5 grains of Trail Boss. The SRH chuffed and put together a fair group of holes in the paper, all within 2" of one another. The Redhawk puffed a few rounds here and a few rounds there. It was kind of hard to see the grouping since they scattered badly and I had sighted in the scope on my 45 Colt Contender using the same target.
Fresh targets went up and I stepped up to real ammo.
This round of shooting was done using 270 grain Thunderheads over 18 grains of 2400. Here's what the SRH had to say:
The Redhawk answered with this:
That was a little annoying so I changed to 255 grain round nose lead over the same 18 grains of 2400.
The SRH did this:
The Redhawk followed with:
All loads had about the same results. The SRH worked well for me and the RH ended up in it's Wonderland, as in I wonder where it will land.
This Redhawk target is a mix of the Thunderheads, RN lead, 300 grain silhouettes, and even 335 gr WNFP over 22 grains of H110.
I made a thorough inspection of the Redhawk before completing the transaction. It's a nice tight gun. Perhaps a bit too tight. Some of the colt cases that poofed out when fired in my old Vaquero would not fit in the Redhawk cylinder but dropped right in the Super Redhawk and the MGM built 45 Colt Contender barrel.
I'm going to clean these things for detailed measurement. I don't have a range rod but I should be able to turn one on the lathe after I have actual bore measurements.
Kinda frustrating.
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