Boolit Master Join DateJun 2009Posts199
As VdoMemorie suggests, if you are using multiple size sizer dies, that are significantly different in diameter, you will have to make up appropriate push through rams. Getting maximum contact with the edges of the slug bases avoids slug damage in sizing. I got away with only two. One for the .723 and .730 dies for the foster type slugs, and another smaller ram for the .673 and .679 dies used for the Lee Key Drives.

I'll look and see about that press... Hopefully it makes sence for me. Thanks for the suggestion.

Good morning MossBergman, if you are only doing it to fit Lee Drive key in a pertecular wad for a snug fit then perhaps just one sizing die will do!
You will not only require a strong press but also have the press mounted on a solid table and then all your weight to push it through based on your alloy!This hobby is suppose to be fun, you might be better off buying better choices of wads, instead and the good wads are a bit hard to find specially when you need them!
1. Win.AA12F114 with the thinnest petals, but hard to find.
2. Fed.12S-3
3. Win. AA-12
4. Fed.12C-1, hard to find.
5. Fed.12S-4
6. Fed.12S-0, petals thick.
7. Trap Commander, thicker petals.
8. Hornady Versalite, very thick but good for overbored barrel.
and this is how they fit before modifications, like adding a nitro card and cutting the wad petals short etc:
Please do not buy the replacement wads as they are usually very crappy, I would not touch them with a 10 feet pole!Hoping it helps.
Warmest regards,
Blazing Sabots, LLC
Last edited by VdoMemorie; 03-05-2013 at 05:35 AM.

No, what I ment was the ram has to be very close to the die diameter, or you will not get maximum support on the edges of the slug when forcing through the die. The bases of the slugs are hollow, with only about 1/8" around the rim in contact with the surface of the ram. With too small of a ram, the edges of the slug will shear off when being forced through the die. I found that I could get away with one size ram for the .673 and .679 dies. but I need a larger size for the .723 and .730 dies, to keep this from happening. If you are doing just the Lee, you will only need the one ram to size the slug.

Ajay, I'm starting to look forward to your postsYou may not post new threadsYou may not post repliesYou may not post attachmentsYou may not edit your postsForum Rulesawsome information and pics... jam packed with good info. Thanks
I realize as an alternative to resizing the slug I could just replace the wad with thinner pedals
1. Which peddal do you think would work with the lee slug snugly in a standard federal shotshell?
2. Do you know os any place that would send you sample sizes of wads... I would need a handful of differant pedal thickness to see which one works best then would place a bulk order. I would even be willing to pay for the samples. Otherwise i would be ordering wads and having to return them. which seems silly to me.Thanks again!
Abbreviations used in Reloading
Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt"
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