i air cool my 9mm boolits i do a 50/50 mix WW to range lead mix
size to .357 C/R lube and 3.8 gr of B/E i get no leading in my 92FS
kids that hunt and fish dont mug old ladies
Are you shooting as cast or running through a sizer?? I run through a sizer for consistency. If you have a .355 bore, you are fortunate. Many 9's run larger. For that reason, many commercial cast sized at .356 don't shoot for squat.Shiloh
"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel?Any government that does not trust its citizens with firearms is either a tyranny, or planning to become one.? ? Joseph P. Martino
?If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert , in five years there would be a shortage of sand.? ? Milton Friedman
try an actual lube and see what happens.
it's all an educated guess,,,, till the trigger is pulled.the more i find out about shootin boolits, the more it contradicts everything i ever learned about shooting jaxketed.

Are you using a Lee FCD? If you are it will size your bullet down to .355. This really drove me crazy. I now size to .358. With light loads I got the leading to stop. Finally figured out how to put gas checks on the cast bullets and was able to up the powder charge.
+1 on R5RPan lube with NRA 50-50 formula lube, size to .357 or .358.
Primarily a lube issue.
If it was easy, anybody could do it.
Are you using a Lee FCD? If you are it will size your bullet down to .355. This really drove me crazy. I now size to .358. With light loads I got the leading to stop. Finally figured out how to put gas checks on the cast bullets and was able to up the powder charge.Yes I am using a Lee FCD and no it is not sizing down my boolits. I pulled and checked some when I was setting the press up. If you are swaging a 9mm boolit down in a Lee FCD you are over crimping them or your sizing ring is to small. The 9mm case has plenty of taper to it, .009" to be exact. the carbide ring should only touch the case just above the shell holder. Now the Lee FCD and a 45acp case is a whole other story as the case only has .003" of tapper.I am not running my boolits through a sizer. They are dropping the size I want and are round.
I also think it may just be a lube issue. Most of the lead was forward of half way to the muzzle. Good thing that Randy sent me some Tac#1 to try and I also have samples of 50/50, BAC and CR coming to try. I do not have a lubesizer yet. What would be the best way to lube them, dip or pan?
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