Finally got a chance to get to the gun club with my newest purchase. I got my Winchester built M1 Garand 2 weeks ago and have been itching to get it out to the range ever since. Well the rain finally stopped for a while today so I got out there for a bit. Didn't put a lot of rounds through it, 27 in total but that's enough for me to feel it out. Started out at 25yds since I had no idea where it was going to be hitting, put 3 rounds down range and it was dead center so I decided to push the target out to 100yds. I fired 8 rounds off the bench to get it zeroed in then another 8 standing unsupported and 8 more sitting. All in all I'm pretty happy with the way this rifle shoots especially considering it's surplus ammo, once I start working up handloads those groups should shrink dramatically. I had a great time with the rifle and had the range not been so busy I probably would have shot up all 200rds of M2 ball that I bought with the rifle. My only issue is that the reproduction enbloc clips I bought with the rifle don't clear the action when ejected, not sure if this a rifle or clip issue so I need to research that a bit.

Those shots in the 7 & 8 rings were fired off hand, need to get used to the weight of this rifle I guess and come down to rest more when shooting off hand.
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