Boolit Mold Join DateAug 2011Posts13
Being a relative newbee to casting I have experience with only two lubes - LBT Blue and Magma. Of the two, I have found the LBT easier to use in my Star lubesizer (with heater & air).My question to those of you with years of experience behind you is this ... is there any disadvantage to going with a single lube for all cast bullet use. My limited experience would lead me to chose the LBT.
I am casting primarily for handguns. Currently 9mm, 357 mag, 40 S&W, 44 mag and 45 Colt.
As always, thank you for the input.
A fella could do worse using only LBT blue . I think the only fault I've ever found with it is rounds left to heat up in a hot barrel sometimes sling lube off in flight . I've found it on two hundred yard targets and I think it caused my shot to go a little astray . Other than that I don't have a problem with it , it let's me get higher velicity that Javalina .If I was going to stay in the lower velocity realm Javlina and liquid alox have worked pretty well too . I may have a lifetime supply of lube just in the stuff I've got in deals over the years , if there was just one that would cover it all I'd trade it all I think .

Try some of RandyRat's TAC#1, its great stuff, I use it on everything from .223 to 45 colt
"The problem with quotes on the Internet is that you can't always be sure of their authenticity.?
- Abraham Lincoln
I haven't been using anything but LBT Blue Soft for more than a year now. Mostly handgun rounds. So far, I have no reason to change it. I have a bunch of sticks of Carnauba Red and even some NRA formula, which works very well, it's just tough in the handling department after it is applied. Mike
I saw Elvis at 1000 feet. John Force

I went to using 2500+ for pistol and rifle no matter how fast they are pushed.You may not post new threadsYou may not post repliesYou may not post attachmentsYou may not edit your postsForum RulesI got tired of changing from one to another.
Its good lube.
Abbreviations used in Reloading
Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt"
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