Boolit Buddy Join DateOct 2007Posts74
Hi:I ordered a M-1 Garand Service grade from CMP and I am looking for a cast boolit load for it. Does anyone us the fasted burning powders for their M-1 Garand? I plan on using a 150-190 grain boolit in it. A whike back at the range a fellow told me that his friend used
Red Dot in his M-1 and that seems like a petty fast powder to work the action right.Thanks,
Terry...Why reinvent the wheel? Type 'M-1 Garand Loads' into the SEARCH box on the right-hand side of the forum toolbar and you'll get (446) hits.
"I'm not often right but I've never been wrong."Jimmy Buffet
"Scarlet Begonias"
I dont think red dot will cycle the action. I use the 311365 with 32-34 grains of h4895 works for me. Also the search function has a lot more combinations.
Yep, Red Dot will barely move the bolt. I use the Lee 200gr. over 37gr. IMR4895 for an accurate load that cycles the bolt perfectly. A lighter boolit doesn't work for me since it goes too fast for accuracy and starts to lead the bore.-Nobade
The trick to loading cast for the M1 Garand is to use a heavier boolit around 200 grains or so (Lyman 311299 is a really good one) and medium burning powder (IMR4895 is perfect) and work the load up until the action will cycle reliably. You can then up the load a grain or two to see if accuracy improves. Lighter boolits just won't work well at all. Somewhere around 30-32 grains of IMR4895 with no filler you will find the sweet spot. Some guys will use a small 1/2-3/4 grain tuft of dacron or other filler with a tad less powder to get it to cycle. Also be sure your boolit is seated to NOT contacting the lands at all!

Hi:Thank all of you for your input.

Terry, when did you order? I put an order in I believe in the first of March, I hope it shows up!! I'll be currious how your lead rounds work, keep me posted!You may not post new threadsYou may not post repliesYou may not post attachmentsYou may not edit your postsForum Rules
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Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt"
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