Monday, September 2, 2013

Why do I need such FAT 45-70 boolits?

Cast Boolits - Dedicated To The World Of Cast Bullets!

My Marlin slugged .459"-.4595", so I figure I'll need .461" Lyman is dropping about .461" into hot water, but not quite perfectly cylindrical. Problem is, no .461" sizing dies available; Lee offers .457" max. Anyone have to modify/ream a die for similar purpose? ..or does my rifle use the fatest boolits ever?
Contact Buckshot here on the forum he can make you one.
my Lyman is dropping about .461" into hot water, but not quite perfectly cylindrical. The only cast bullets that have a perfect diameter base are those that are swaged! No mold cavities are perfect. Load them up and shoot them, they are lead not titanium and with obturate
dilly is offline Boolit Man Join DateFeb 2013LocationMissouriPosts115
I understand the benefits of uniformity in sizing, but if you have a mold that's dropping the size you need sometimes shooting as cast is an option. You may decide you need more consistency than that, but just throwing it out there. You could always load up a test batch and see if their performance surprises you.
I got a .458 sizing die (same as Lee's) for about the same price from a guy named Rick Turnell and very well be Buckshot here not sure as I was given his name by Ranch Dog some time ago. He did a great job for me on the sizing die as well as a powder compressor for my 12 ga brass shot shells using the RCBS cowboy dies. The powder compress simply screws in to the top of the die and once set to the right depth does the job perfectly.
joe, Rick TUNELL (no r) = Buckshot and his workmanship is excellent!
I have had sizing dies opened up & Lee will make you any size you want for a bit more money. You can [probably make a 0.460" work.
NRA Cert. Inst. Met. Reloading & Basic Pistol
Spokerider is offline Boolit Master Join DateOct 2005LocationBC CanadaPosts185
Use a Lee sizer and make it .461 with sandpaper wrapped around a drill bit, or similar item. A drill with the diameter as close to the .457 lee sizer plus paper, works best. Use water or oil when sanding. Yes, it takes elbow grease. Slug the sizer with a boolit often, use finer paper as you get close to target diameter.
This worked for me.
Try pan lubing them, and shooting "as cast". You may find it works just fine.
oldfart1956 is offline Boolit Master Join DateJun 2009Posts250
Track of The Wolf sells the Lee push-thru sizer in .460. Don't know if they're in stock right now. Opening one up to .461 takes about 10 minutes. Audie...the Oldfart..
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