Boolit Mold Join DateJan 2010Posts1
Does anyone make a .358 125 grain truncated cone mold? I've looked at the catalogs and unless I've missed something (likely) I have not seen one. Is there one out there ?
the 356 should make 358 if it don't it's simple enough to make it that diameter.
i'd go with the 120 and standard lube groove.
it's all an educated guess,,,, till the trigger is pulled.the more i find out about shootin boolits, the more it contradicts everything i ever learned about shooting jaxketed.
"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."Boolit Master Join DateFeb 2008Posts189
Bertrand de Jouvenel?Any government that does not trust its citizens with firearms is either a tyranny, or planning to become one.? ? Joseph P. Martino
?If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert , in five years there would be a shortage of sand.? ? Milton Friedman
My Lee 356-120 TC actually casts .358 and weighs 125 when cast from range scrap. I bought that mold last year.
"A person cannot exercise their right to speak freely if they have been stripped of their ability to defend themselves and repel those forces who would seek to quell their speech." Me
My Lee 356-120 TC casts .358 to .359 and weighs about 124 with wwts.
Superb 9mm boolit at .358, but have not actually tried it in .38 Spl or .357 Mag, I
have revolver specific designs that work so well that I have not even run
the experiment. (358477, RCBS 38-150-SWC [old 38-150-K], and 358429)Bill
If it was easy, anybody could do it.
My 356402 LY cast at .358 as do others I have seen.
[The Montana Gianni] Front sight and squeeze
i'm gonna have to get one.
I have been using a 125 gr rnfp with a generous lube groove.
the .095 oal is a bit hampering with load details though, it becomes real sensitive to .01 gr load changes as far as accuracy and poa/poi shifts.
if I shot more than 20 rounds of 9m a year i'd probably care more.
littlegirl shoots the 9's quite a bit more than I do maybe I should ask her.
it's all an educated guess,,,, till the trigger is pulled.You may not post new threadsYou may not post repliesYou may not post attachmentsYou may not edit your postsForum Rulesthe more i find out about shootin boolits, the more it contradicts everything i ever learned about shooting jaxketed.
Abbreviations used in Reloading
Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt"
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