Boolit Bub Join DateDec 2012Posts29
I just got done pan lubing my first batch of cast,(44-250-K) some of the boolits have some lube in the crimp band and on the bullet tips. Should I scrape that off for accuracy or will it fly off when it leaves the muzzle? Some of the lube bands aren't perfectly symetrical with lube. Should I re lube those or are they ok? Thanks
I have no idea what lube you're using or how goobered-up your noses are. You ought to at least wipe off your cartridges with a rag and some mineral spirits or lighter fluid before putting them in an ammo box.Beware that the lube in the crimp groove can affect the crimp or the way the boolit breaks the crimp, depending on how much crimp, how much lube is caught in there, and how viscous your lube is.
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While shooting at 5 yard targets, I've seen specks of Speed Green and 50/50 lube on the target paper. So some lubes definitely sling off in flight. I pan lube with Carnauba Red, and I haven't seen it sling off onto a target yet.I try to make sure the grooves are perfectly filled and the crimp grooves are clean when I pan lube. If I'm going to all that trouble, I want it perfect. If I wanted to just bang them out, I'd be tumble lubing them.
Two schools of thought. Sling ALL lube off at the muzzle or KEEP all that's left in the grooves. To lose half in flight is just no good.You may not post new threadsYou may not post repliesYou may not post attachmentsYou may not edit your postsForum Rules
Gear is right, remove lube from the crimp groove, even a fingernail works decent. Fill the rest of the GG's full.
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