Boolit Buddy Join DateMar 2013Posts69
hello to everyone! the mold lee 358-105 swc new model has arrived, and I this night I tried the mold. bullets measure 358/358, 5, and I want them to fly at full velocity in my glock.the bore measures exactly .358.ciao a tutti ! lo stampo nuovo modello lee 358-105 swc ? arrivato ,e io questa notte ho provato lo stampo .i proiettili misurano 358/358,5 ,e io voglio farli volare a tutto gas nella mia glock .
I think that I will use to start the powder imr 700x and n320
credo che per iniziare user? la polvere imr 700x e la n320![]()
sweet! Did you get a lone wolf barrel? i hope your not gonna use the factory one.

use a barrel original glock, the factory only use it when I load bullets fmj ..... almost never, I like a lot more bullets in lead.if the cartridge does not fit well in the room, only use the taper crimp, only to remove the sign expanderuso una canna originale glock , il factory lo uso solo quando carico proiettili fmj ..... praticamente mai , mi piacciono molto di pi? i proiettili in piombo se la cartuccia non entra bene in camera , uso solo il taper crimp ,solo per togliere il segno dell'expander.
That boolit shoots acceptly well in a Glock 19 with factory barrel.
You'll go far providin' you ain't burnt alive or scalped."Will Geer as Bear Claw in "Jeramiah Johnson"
sweet! Did you get a lone wolf barrel? i hope your not gonna use the factory one.You're new around here so you'll get some slack for towing the internet line around this place.There are many here, myself included, that shoot cast boolits quite successfully in factory Glock barrels with good accuracy and no leading. Start searching and reading and you'll see for yourself.
Where are you located? I didn't think that the 9mm cartridge was allowed to be owned by civilians in Italy. Is that not true?
?an armed society is a polite society.?
Robert A. Heinlein"Idque apud imperitos humanitas vocabatur, cum pars servitutis esset."
Publius Tacitus

JIMinPX the cartridge 9 mm in Italy we can use, the cartridge 9x19 no, the other is 9 mm.JIMinPX la cartuccia 9 mm in italia la possiamo usare , la cartuccia 9x19 no , tutte le altre 9 mm si.
I shoot with an old ache glock 20 second generation car 10 mm caliber with original barrel, its bore is 403, and the bullets measure lyman 401-175 404, I use them without sizing.and I get to 25 meters of the most excellent that by loading this cartridge lubricated with alox, with 5.4 grs of 700x to 1060 center of the target do a single black hole.
io sparo ache con una vecchia glock 20 seconda generazione calibro 10 mm auto con canna originale , il suo alesaggio ? di 403,e i proiettili lyman 401-175 misurano 404 , io li uso senza dimensionamento.e ottengo a 25 metri dei risultati pi? che ottimi caricando questa cartuccia lubrificata con alox,con 5,4 grs di 700x a 1060 centro del bersaglio faccio un unico buco nero .

yes, the 9 mm longer used in Italy is the 9x21 and 38 super auto ,they are very used to ipsc.

38 super auto is awesome, would love to see a glock chambered in that. Have you ever thought about a 9x25 for your glock 20? I keep going back and forth on it, the dies are a bit pricey. Brass is already pricey and the thought of ruining any steers me away

I must say that the glock 10 cars, with its cartridges hpfmj 150 grain, is a beautiful tiger to tame.
but the cast boolits is more fun than any missile gundevo dire che la glock 10 auto ,con le sue cartucce hpfmj da 150 grani ,? una bella tigre da domare .
but the cast boolits is more fun than any missile gun

the brass 10auto, in Italy they cost 23 cents. of euro each., and are only found new, I've only Italy 10 car, do not use anyone, sometimes I can find live ammunition fmj new price very low, so I new the shells.i bossoli 10auto ,in italia costano 23 cent. di euro cad.,e si trovano solo nuovi ,io ne ho solo italia il 10 auto ,non usa nessuno , a volte posso trovare cartucce cariche fmj nuove a prezzo molto basso ,in questo modo ho i bossoli nuovi .
Beppe, I have used the Lee 358-105 SWC in 9mm for many years. I have also shot lead through stock Glock barrels without a problem. From what I've read of your posts, you are not a novice reloader so you know what to look for in load development.I size the 105 SWC to .358 and seat to where the case mouth is between the crimp groove and the front driving band. I don't know what that measures, I just check them by dropping a dummy or test round into the chamber of the barrel. I then put the barrel back in the gun and cycle the slide. After doing so I check to see what damage was done to the boolit nose. Try seating a little deeper until it cycles with minimal deformation of the boolit. Once you have the depth you can start working up your load with your choice of powder. Good luck!
"Silence in the face of tyranny implies consent, and I do not consent." Mike Vanderbough, April 20, 2013

fcvan hello! from my measurements show that the maximum length that I can use in a cartridge gun is 31 mm long RN (1220).but to be able to load the magazine, I must not go beyond 30 mm (1181). I will make a long cartridge until the crimping groove, without crimp (if you need, just a little taper crimp)the first test will be with 4.5 grs of 700x and go on 2 tenths of a grain up to 5.5, I will go up to 1250 fps, if the barrel is not splicing, go ahead.the bullets I made them fall into cold water. want to also look at the pressure of the primer, he can tell me pretty well if there is too much my Tanfoglio stock 3 9x21 imi, I loaded the boolits of 380 auto lead to 90 grains, very fast and accurate to 25 m. ipsc I used them for. very very well.with these light bullets, I used a spring from 13 pounds.ciao fcvan ! dalle mie misurazioni effettuate risulta che la lunghezza massima che posso usare nella pistola ? una cartuccia RN lunga 31 millimetri (1220) ma per potere riempire il caricatore , non devo andare oltre a 30 mm (1181).io far? una cartuccia lunga fino al solco di crimpatura ,senza crimpare ( se serve ,solo un po taper crimp).il primo test sar? con 4,5 grs di 700x e vado su 2 decimi di grano fino a 5,5 ,voglio andare fino a 1250 fps ,se la canna non si impiomba ,vado avanti .i proiettili li ho fatti cadere in acqua fredda .voglio anche guardare la pressione del innesco ,lui mi pu? dire abbastanza bene se c'? troppa pressione.nella mia tanfoglio stock 3 9x21 imi ,ho caricato i proiettili del 380 auto in piombo da 90 grani , molto veloci e precisi a 25 mt .li ho usati anche per ipsc .molto molto bene .con questi proiettili leggeri ,ho usato una molla da 13 libbre.

My Glock 17 leading test. Load: Lee 105-358-SWC, 8BHN lead, .01 aluminum gascheck, .356 sized; CCI500 primer; 3.8gr W231; OAL 1.000. Average bullet weight 110gr, chrono 1043 +/- 1.7% fps. After firing 100 rounds I used a Foul-out III to remove the lead from the barrel and it weighed 0.3gr. With this load I had zero malfunctions in the test. This is now my favorite load for my G17.

I must say with pleasure that becomes available the Italian winchester all the dust, for now my favorite cartridge for my g17 is a LEE 356 (358 Diameter) 124-TC, with 4.6 grains of 700x, 1055 fps Max .everything works well and leading 0%, only use lube-size and LEE alox.I have to tell the truth, I did not look like is the barrel after 400 rounds of training, but I looked after 60/70 shots.You may not post new threadsYou may not post repliesYou may not post attachmentsYou may not edit your postsForum Rulesdevo dire con piacere che torner? disponibile i italia tutte le polveri winchester, per adesso la mia cartuccia preferita per la mia g17 ? una LEE 356(358 diametro)-124-TC,con 4,6 grani di 700x ,1055 fps Max .funziona tutto benissimo e leading 0%, uso solo lube-size LEE e alox .devo dire la verit?,non ho guardato come ? la barrel dopo i 400 colpi di allenamento , ma ho guardato dopo 60/70 colpi .
Abbreviations used in Reloading
Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt"
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