Boolit Bub Join DateAug 2009LocationGermantown,OhioPosts26
Finally pulled the trigger on boolits for a couple of AR's. Bought an RCBS 55gr mold. My first from them. Cast them hot and fast as others have suggested. Plain ww dropped in water. Got the freechex maker and ran them thru a Lee .225 sizer to crimp the check. Used .011 thick flashing. Now all I need to do is lube and load. I'm going to use H4895 and hopefully work up a load that is accurate and will work the action.
start at 18 grs and come up from there.
it's all an educated guess,,,, till the trigger is pulled.the more i find out about shootin boolits, the more it contradicts everything i ever learned about shooting jaxketed.

I was thinking about 20 but I'll take your advice.
Start at 16 gr with a 1/3 - 1/2 gr dacron filler if your barrel twist is faster than 9".Larry Gibson
I got my RR to cycle well with 18 grains. BTW, if your using a dillon 550 to load those with 4895 you may run into some bridging. I had to go simple and get the powder funnel adapter and pour each load, one at a time.
"The right of the people to keep and bear...arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country..." (James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434 [June 8, 1789]) Once the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.
Benjamin Franklin

I'm still loading 223 on a single stage press. I use a powder dispenser but run each load over a digital scale. I bought an older Dillon at an auction for $15 and am in the process of setting it up for the 223. I have an extra Lee double disk dispenser that I'm going to try on it.You may not post new threadsYou may not post repliesYou may not post attachmentsYou may not edit your postsForum Rules
Abbreviations used in Reloading
Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt"
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