Wednesday, August 28, 2013

VP Joe Bidens tactical shotgun techniques

I can't think of any situation where warning shots are justified.

If you'll remember some one took Uncle Joe's advise and dumped a couple rounds through his door when he had prowlers.

He was arrested for reckless discharge of a firearm. This was VA I believe.

As to his advise on the shotgun. Just his comment was made I was asked about it in my Ladies Self Defense Class.

To answer I brought in a shot gun and rifle (AR) and had them shoot it to make up their own mind.

Every one found the rifle was easier to use. I'll admit it was the recoil of the shot gun they found objectionable. Non-of the ladies had fired an AR before this occasion. It tool less then a minute to shoot them how to put the magazine in, use the safety and get the rifle into battery.

I don't recommend any type of firearm, I believe in providing as many types as possible and letting the shooter decide what is best for them in their situation. For my ladies class, none thought the shotgun was for them.

Kraig Stuart
USAMU Sniper School Oct '78
Distinguished Rifle Badge 1071

View the original article here


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