Take your favorite hunting rifle/s, place a six inch circular target out at three hundred yards in such a way that you can't tell if you hit it or not and fire five shots at it before you go look at it.
So, today I decided to make my attempt and share those results no matter how embarrassing. The rifles in question were my Sendero SFII in 300RUM (180 grain Accubond at 3270 fps) and 700 Classic in 7mm Rem. mag. (150 grain Sierra boat tail at 2950 fps) As these rifles only hold three in the magazine and one in the pipe, I fired three shots instead of five, figuring after I miss three shots on a game animal it's going to be over the hill and far far away.
Here are the targets. They were fastened to the framework using, what else, baling wire. As I don't have a range finder, my means of measuring 300 yards was a bit crude. I drove back up the two track road .2 of a mile and allowing for the "jog" in the road I figured I was "close" to 300 yards. I set up using shootings sticks sitting with my back against the rear tire of the pickup to more closely simulate an actual hunting situation.
I failed to take into account the heat waves would make even seeing the target through the scope nearly impossible, let alone they were very similar in color to the back ground, but the test must go on.
First, the 300RUM. Point of aim was center of target knowing that it's "zeroed" at 300 yards.
Looks like I could move it right a couple clicks, but not bad.
The 7 mag. Point of aim was top center of target knowing it's zeroed at 250 yards and should hit about three inches low at 300.
RUH ROH! With only one shot on the target and it being low, I was sure the other two were also low, so I went back and got some cardboard and a couple targets to see just where the 7 mag was hitting. I didn't take pictures (way too embarrassing) but the group was "large" and a good six inches low.
Here's how the targets looked through the old steel tubed Texas K8 Weaver on the 7 mag..
I'm going to go back Sunday morning in hopes of beating the heat waves and shoot groups/sight in again and have another go at the six inch targets. Trying to sight in today was a waste of time, ammo and patience.
__________________Keep your powder dry and when you go afield take the kids and please..........wear your seat belts.
I am the ORIGINAL recoil junky, often imitated, but never equalled.
Proud Father of a SoldierMedic in The 82nd Airborne 325thAIR White Falcons
IUOE Local #9

I always love pictures in a thread, and these are no exception.
What feature or setup on the camera did you use to get that clear shot through the scope?
__________________Stretch ?
"If you are a reloader and you don't know Lee, you don't know Jack" - Floydster

However, I'm willing to bet my 16 year old granddaughter shooting her 260 will put all five shots in the brown at 400 yards, and while I wouldn't bet on it at 500, she would most likely keep them in the brown at 500.
However, she's running a lot more optics with target turrents, has all the dope out to 600 yards and knows how to dial it in, and her rifle is a very accurate, custom build. It also happens to be 400 yards is her favorite range to practice and six inch targets are what she shoots.
I also know dang good and well I can but I figured letting a "kid" and a "girl at that" do it, it would add a little extra to it.
Like most teenagers, she's getting more interested in boys and friends than guns right now, but the next time I can get her to the range, we will have to make some pictures for you. The problem is, about the only time she wants to go now is to show off to her friends she can get to go with us, and none of the boys that have ever been once will go with us again.
Last edited by BKeith; Yesterday at 03:06 PM.

I like pictures too, they are "worth a thousand words" Now that I've gone digital, I take a lot of pictures of everything.
BKieth, while I hope some day to have a real custom rifle, I make due with what I have. Your daughter is very lucky to have such a fine shooter and a father who took the time to show her how even if she is a girl.
This is on a very remote section of BLM land about 30 miles from anything. The two track ends about another 700 yards in a wash. To the tree on the hill (top center of pic.) is 1000 yards (measured with a friends Lieca laser) from where I was set up. You don't dare go in there when it's wet as the road is impassable. It's so bad, if you go in a horseback and spit your horse will slip and go down.
I hope it doesn't rain between now and Sunday.
__________________Keep your powder dry and when you go afield take the kids and please..........wear your seat belts.
I am the ORIGINAL recoil junky, often imitated, but never equalled.
Proud Father of a SoldierMedic in The 82nd Airborne 325thAIR White Falcons
IUOE Local #9 Last edited by recoil junky; Yesterday at 04:02 PM.

So basically I just got the dowels and hose, made the recommended cuts, and put them together. They work just fine.
Shooting sticks on the cheap.
__________________Stretch ?
"If you are a reloader and you don't know Lee, you don't know Jack" - Floydster
Last edited by StretchNM; Today at 01:40 AM.

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