Sunday, August 11, 2013

Harbor Freight, Chicago Elc Tumbler?

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mrblue is offline Boolit Man Join DateJan 2013LocationMichiganPosts105

Does anyone use this type of tumbler? How does it hold up and do you like it? Was thinking about trying one out. Thanks
I purchased one, returned it 3 times, finally got my money back.

The Berry tumbler sold by Cabela's both under the Berry name and under their own name model #400 is in the same price range and made right here in the USA except for the motor which no one supplies. Also consider the fact that if purchased from Cabela's you get a lifetimsatisfactionon guarantee.

Once again "same price range".

Course if one wishes to support the Reds, there is the other option.

I've got the little one. And I use it a lot because its so little. If I'm at home it's probably running.
I've had it for 2 1/2 years
mrblue is offline Boolit Man Join DateJan 2013LocationMichiganPosts105
I checked the Cabelas website, no luck, Is it in store? Or do you have a link?
mrblue is offline Boolit Man Join DateJan 2013LocationMichiganPosts105
Lol, yeah sorry, should have pointed out I was looking at the rock tumbler. I have a franks arsenel vibration tumbler and wanted to try out the rock one.
I started out with that little "rock tumbler" from HF. Takes longer and doesn't hold much, but it does work. Be prepared to get O rings to replace the belt, not a big problem but they do wear out. Particularly if you overload it weight wise. I got my o rings/belts from Motion Industries, an industrial bearing supply outlet.
oh yeah mines the vibrating one
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