Sunday, August 11, 2013

Remington rolling block pistol?

A Remington Rolling Block PISTOL.
Well, that clears things up a bit, not many of those to pick from.
There were the 1865 Navy with spur trigger.
Early ones were .50 rimfire. Scarce and valuable but not shootable.
Later were .50 centerfire shootable if you want to go to the trouble and expense.
Then the 1867 Navy with trigger guard and the 1871 Army with different butt shape.
Seems kind of silly, revolvers were well established by then.
Scarce to rare.

Target models of 1891, calibers .22, .25, and .32 rimfire and .32 S$W.
Very very rare.
Model of 1901, calibers .22, .25, and .44 S&W.
Very rare.
Caution, there are a relatively large number of sporterized Army models hard to tell from the target guns. Complicated by at least some of the factory targets being built on military actions.

Blue Book shows an 1887 Plinker not listed by Flayderman.

$1300 seems not out of line, IF original and in good condition.

View the original article here


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