Getting ready to ship my Blackhawk off to New Hampshire for refinishing. Figured i'd starta new thread for shipping input.Thanks in advance
"Mama always says stupid is as stupid does"
Either have Ruger send a call tag ... Or, get a ffl to send it priority mail ...
ShawnJohn 3: 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
"I am a man of peace, but if war comes to my door it will find me home."
Winston Churchill

Cannot ship any firearm through USPS. No matter if you have an ffl or not. If your revolver is going back to Ruger in Newport, I think you have to ship it UPS. If you can get Ruger to issue an RMA, they will email you a next day air UPS label that you print and tape on the box, you can take it to a UPS store or go online and request a UPS pickup, but call customer service and see what they say.
I believe you as the owner can/must send the pistol next day air. Let me know if things have changed.Horace
Cannot ship any firearm through USPS. No matter if you have an ffl or not. If your revolver is going back to Ruger in Newport, I think you have to ship it UPS.Sorry, but ... Both the BATFE and USPS disagree with you!
If a non-licenced person wished to ship it themselves then it must be shipped overnite with UPS or FedEX
ShawnJohn 3: 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
"I am a man of peace, but if war comes to my door it will find me home."
Winston Churchill
Cannot ship any firearm through USPS. No matter if you have an ffl or not.The only type of FFL that CANT mail a handgun is C&R. Long guns can be mailed BY anyone, as long as they're going to a person legal to receive them. (such as an FFL dealer)
Couldn't i just say it was "gun parts" and ship it ups ground?
"Mama always says stupid is as stupid does"
Don't say gun parts, say machine parts or tools, precision instrument etc.
Don't say gun parts, say machine parts or tools, precision instrument etc.Second this one. They are " MACHINED PARTS". Now if it turns up missing, you might have a hard time explaining this.....Btw, my ffl gets pistols shipped through the USPS all the time.
"The right of the people to keep and bear...arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country..." (James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434 [June 8, 1789]) Once the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.
Benjamin Franklin

DO NOT attempt to mislead the USPS by stating that the box contains "machined parts" etc. The frame of the gun IS the gun according to their rules. Should something happen and the box is damaged and the contents are revealed you have violated an extremely important federal law and your life will become miserable in a hurry. Lying to the USPS can get you in a lot more trouble than lying to the IRS. Should you get caught you could very well give up your right to even own a gun let alone ship one.Walk into your local post office (without the gun) and ask how to ship it, they'll be more than happy to help you out. I've sent numerous guns back and forth for repair or replacement and even received them via USPS personally from the manufacturer with no hassles. I've even shipped them to myself in different locations when traveling (like through Canada) so when I got back into the country I could have my carry gun.

If I was going to use USPS I would have their regs in hand. Call the Postmaster and arrange to have him/her meet you to handle the process. When it is already legal to return a firearm for maintenance I see no reason to mis-label it as machine parts. As mentioned if you ever had to report a it missing you would be within legal bounds.

Cannot ship any firearm through USPS. No matter if you have an ffl or not. If your revolver is going back to Ruger in Newport, I think you have to ship it UPS. If you can get Ruger to issue an RMA, they will email you a next day air UPS label that you print and tape on the box, you can take it to a UPS store or go online and request a UPS pickup, but call customer service and see what they say.Exhibit 432.1 Mailability Requirements for Firearms
Handguns ? e.g., pistols, revolvers, and other firearms capable of being concealed on the person ? are nonmailable UNLESS mailed by a licensed manufacturer of firearms, or a licensed dealer of firearms, ...
A FFL dealer can send out USPS.
A dealer charges a fee though....which would make the cost the same as shipping UPS next day. That's why i was thinking of shipping "machine parts" ups ground
"Mama always says stupid is as stupid does"

It's been said a few times already but a non ffl cannot ship a handgun any other way than overnight via fedex/ups. If you have a local ffl that you're friendly with, they might not charge you extra to ship it.

A dealer charges a fee though....which would make the cost the same as shipping UPS next day. That's why i was thinking of shipping "machine parts" ups groundMy local dealer appreciates my business. He does not charge a fee to ship for me. It costs about $8 - $12 to ship a handgun.
Even if dealer charges a reasonable fee it's cheaper than Fed-Ex/UPS. Last one I shipped by Fed-Ex was just under $90.00.
Lead Life...Better living through cast boolits.
A dealer charges a fee though....which would make the cost the same as shipping UPS next day. That's why i was thinking of shipping "machine parts" ups groundCost me just over $90 to ship an Alaskan from AZ to AL ...Contact Ruger and see what options or ideas they have for you.
My ffl did not want to fill out the USPS form, that why I went the ups route!
ShawnYou may not post new threadsYou may not post repliesYou may not post attachmentsYou may not edit your postsForum RulesJohn 3: 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
"I am a man of peace, but if war comes to my door it will find me home."
Winston Churchill
Abbreviations used in Reloading
Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt"
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