i know most mosins have been in a war at some time, my own mosin was beautiful out of the box. but after disassembly i noted rust damage under the top hangaurd, and i had to treat before it got any worse. so make sure you strip her down to make sure there is no issues.
Mosin disassembly
-remove bolt by holding trigger and pulling bolt back, this will pull it out of the channel. set this aside.
-press the 2 pins on the right side along the barrel,(one at a time) this will allow you to move the rings forward and set them up front to take hand guard out(the area my rifle had water/rust damage)
-now remove the wood guard, place aside
-unscrew bottom barrel screw, remove set aside
-unscrew the screw in the area behind the bolt(top rear of rifle)
-now pull top receiver and barrel/trigger away, and pull the fixed magazine out, now watch the triger, there is a small pin that can drop out , this is replaceable , but just something to note.
now its disassembled, check parts for the cosmo thats so common on mosins, and this allows you to properly access to other parts
__________________If zombies, i have gone for big guns, will return soon !
love my Mosin black lightnign
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