I'm going to embark on a project which will be new to me. Namely 22 centerfire cast loads. I have a single hole Lyman 225415 which supposedly throws a 50 gr. boolit as opposed to the 55 gr it is listed as.I have all the hardware other than a lubrisizer, which I can borrow (no Star die).
I have Lino. which I will be trying, staight, but is there any other alloy I should consider? I have pure, COWW, and analyzed range scrap to work with. I can put together just about any combination I want.
The quest will be to develop loads with 22 Mag. ballistics, think squirrel gun application here. Test vehicle will be a Ruger 77/22 Hornet.
Would appreciate "been there/done that" as opposed to theoretical opinions.
for hunting use get away from linotype.
in squirrels and such it will just poke a hole through them.
the softer alloys will give results closer to jaxketed.if you are trying for about 1400 fps I would do something like 8 parts pure to 1 part lino and water drop it.
you will have to play a little to make sure you have enough diameter from the mold to work in the rifle.
it's all an educated guess,,,, till the trigger is pulled.the more i find out about shootin boolits, the more it contradicts everything i ever learned about shooting jaxketed.
I prefer COWW + a little tin in all my 22 loads.
Same I prefer COWW + a little tin in all my 22 loads.Same here, with 3-4 gr Unique or 3 gr Bullseye and small pistol primer. Have fun!You may not post new threadsYou may not post repliesYou may not post attachmentsYou may not edit your postsForum Rules
Abbreviations used in Reloading
Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt"
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