Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My 10/22 Shoots One Ragged Hole with Factory Barrel

I took my 10/22 to the range today to sight in a scope I just mounted. This is a 2011 vintage Ruger Charger that I assembled into a Carbine. I bought a used barrel from a member at RimfireCentral, and a birch Sporter Deluxe stock off of Ebay. I sent the barrel to Jim Pixley to be threaded, front sight remounted, and muzzle re-crowned. At 25 yards, with just my left forearm rested against the rail at the range, it shoots one ragged hole, with my suppressor attached(SilencerCo SS Sparrow) It does this with all 3 ammo types I took today, Federal bulk, Blazer bulk, and CCI Standard Velocity. I was shocked. The gun is completely stock, with the exception of the barrel re-crown. I didnt shoot the barrel before sending it to the machinist. I dont know how accurate it was in stock form. It is a recent barrel with all the bad lathe rings, and matt finish.

I have had a 10/22 since 1986. I sold that first one and bought a stainless 10/22 when they came out. I still have it. I think that was around 1991. I haven't shot it in years, but don't really remember it being inaccurate. Why do people knock the 10/22 as being inaccurate? The one I shot today sure isn't. Did I just get lucky, or did the re-crown make the difference?

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