Hi folks. I've got one for you to mull over, if you don't mind.

I bought a used Magma Lubemaster that I'm having some irritating problems with. I hope y'all can offer a couple of angles that I may not have thought of to try.

I'm having bullet lube seep UP around the sizing die. I have the PID heater for the heated base set at 118 degrees. The pre-heating band in the lube reservoir is "warm to the touch" as per the manual. It's actually pretty warm but not to where I can't keep my hand on it. Air pressure is set at 60psi and I have the knob that regulates how much lube gets pumped into the lube groove set to be enough to just fill the groove and no more.

This lube seeping to the top of the sizing die is getting on the bottom of my bullet transfer bar and slowing my transfer bar down which really screws up the timing of the whole thing, not good. I also get little pieces of the seeped lube on the bullets as they pass down into the die and I have to clean them all off after I get finished. I have to stop and clean lube off about every 300-500 bullets or things get messy, bullets have lube spots and smears all over them.

I've tried all combinations of adjustments; air pressure, PID temp, pre-heat temp, amount of lube pumped in per bullet. I may have just not gotten the right combination yet, I guess. This is happening of 9mm bullets. I don't remember having this trouble with the 45s.

I called and talked to Magma about some other problems I was having with the caster (this is old, used equipment), mentioned the lube seepage and asked it I was supposed to be using an O ring on the die (Magma dies and there was a package of O rings, that would fit the dies, in with all of the "stuff" that came with the machines when I bought them. Guy from Magma says no O ring necessary, they're press fit dies.

I understand that. When I have to take my die out to adjust the bullet punch depth for different weight/profile (same caliber) bullets, the die is a tight fit, I have to give some pretty good taps with the die removal punch to get it out. That's one reason I'm stumped on this. The die fits good and tight, no scratches or scarring on the outside of it.

I have this all set up in an enclosed room in my pole barn. Room is insulated and sealed up pretty good. I can control the temp. and humidity of the room pretty well. I keep it at about 70 degrees right now. Just threw that in there so you could get an idea of bullet/lube/ambient air temp.

The machine works fine other than this annoyance. I won't get into the troubles I've had with the collator. I must be REALLY dumb to not be able to get that thing to work like I think it should.

Any body got any ideas?

Thanks for any help you can offer.
