Wednesday, April 3, 2013

22 mold. Iron or Aluminum

Cast Boolits - Dedicated To The World Of Cast Bullets!

I have cast for 22?s now with two different 6 cav aluminum molds. Simple put I cast hot and cycle them as fast as I can to drop bullets.

Here is the question. With that in mind, would I have better luck with an 2 cav iron mold or a 4 cav aluminum mold keeping heat better? OR maybe it would be a better question to ask which one would be easier to cast with?


Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote

Benjamin Franklin

4 cavity aluminum on a small block in my experience. Or brass 4 cavity. I have the Mihec 4 cav brass and the NOE 4 cav aluminum and both work fine. I would hate to have the blocks any larger, though.
Always looking for Dillon RL-300's!.
I dunno I use the rcbs 2 cavity mold and it does fine.
I have almost a full .6gr grain weight variation with 2 cavity's throughout a run.
I can't imagine how big it would be with a bunch of cavity's.
it's all an educated guess,,,, till the trigger is pulled.

the more i find out about shootin boolits, the more it contradicts everything i ever learned about shooting jaxketed.

Given the choice between a 2 cavity iron and a 4 cavity aluminum mold and assuming the same size mold cavities, the former would more than likely take pressure off the caster if the goal was shooting the smallest groups possible.


It's not about gun control, it's about people control. The progressives are using terrorists and the insane to further their agenda. If the socialist news media wasn't complicit, we could sit back and watch Benghazi-gate unfold.
I cast some MiHec Natos today with Gamedog53 looking over my shoulder, started with cold mold, normally never do this. But it was good, showed Jan that once mold is up to temp, they drop within .2 gr. I have a NOE 55-225, 5 cav. AL. and it does just fine, stays hot drops consistent. I run the pot cooler with Al. molds. Gamedog53 can tell you how they shoot also.

My BRP 6 cav al. 226-47 is a joy to cast with.

I bottom pour lee 10 pounder, with standing wave out of the cavity, Timing is important.


Screwbolts Lead, smelted lead alloy from Bullet traps of Gun manufacturers, from jacketed Pistol and rifle bullets. Fluxed and skimmed three times with bees wax and pine saw dust. 20 lbs and 40 lbs boxes.

This alloy has been verified by customers and myself to be a BHN of 11.5

???O? ????
I'll cling to my God and my guns, and you can keep the "Change".

I cast the same with iron,brass, and aluminum? Never had any problems once the mold is up to temp?
Always looking for Dillon RL-300's!.
4 cavity aluminum on a small block in my experience. Or brass 4 cavity. I have the Mihec 4 cav brass and the NOE 4 cav aluminum and both work fine. I would hate to have the blocks any larger, though.The original 22 Nato test molds were 4 cavity on 4 cavity blocks.... quite heavy, but had no difference in casting speed and quality than the 4 cavity on 2 cavity blocks. Presently I have GBs going on for the 22 Nato & 22 Heavy Nato for 4 and 6 cavity molds.
45 2.1

Knowledge without understanding is a dangerous thing. For a little knowledge entices us to walk its path, a bit more provides the foundation on which we take our stand, and a sufficient amount can erect a wall of knowledge around us, trapping us in our own ignorance.

Never sleep, never die

Knowledge is easy to get, but worthless if you never use it. However the info is free, so the only person you have to blame is yourself if you chose not to use the information.

it is all about mold temperature.
you need some alloy temp for it to flow properly, but anything over 100-f past the melting temp is just more.
it's all an educated guess,,,, till the trigger is pulled.

the more i find out about shootin boolits, the more it contradicts everything i ever learned about shooting jaxketed.

HDS is offline Boolit Master Join DateFeb 2010LocationFinland, west coastPosts531
I dunno I use the rcbs 2 cavity mold and it does fine.
I have almost a full .6gr grain weight variation with 2 cavity's throughout a run.
I can't imagine how big it would be with a bunch of cavity's.I have almost a full grains variation from my 4-cav brass mold, 62.1 to 63 grains from my last session (weighed after fitted with GC, lubed & sized). I did not aim at consistency or quality then as much as I tried to figure out how the mold likes to be used for best results.
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