Hope someone can help.
I am back to a shotgun i mentioned before; which has a .720 bore, then a constriction where the forend screw female shank was welded to the barrel (it also is full choke down to .701, but more on that later) and I am working on getting rid of that constriction first.

I got a set of 12ga bore hones and have been honign away at the area of the constrcition. And honing...and honing...and honing... and the constriction i still there. I suppose I will either succeed eventually, or wear out the abrasive on the hone. Either way, its taking like forever to make minimal progress. The bore is nice and shiney though!

I am thinking there must be a better way, and am thinking either fire-lapping out the constriction, or taking a bore reamer and just re-boring the area of the constriction.

If I fire-lap, I will need to pay a custom
caster to make some .720 diameter BHN ~15 slugs that have a long bearing surface -smooth sides as opposed to ridges or "rifling" or lube grooves- to hold lots of firelapping paste (I have the LBT type by Veral Smith ready to go), but are hollow base so they can obturate to the bore and remove the constriction. I know that the mold for these are available (ex these: http://cdn2.armslist.com/sites/armslist/uploads/posts/2011/11/18/232135_01_cast_shotgun_slugs_12ga_for_re_640.jpg but without the cross bar running through the skirt) but I dont have one. So thats me $timulating the economy with that purchase, plus the reloading (which i consider fun) etc.
Other consideration on that would be wether i would risk splitting my barrel as the above slug swaged down to .700 at the fixed full choke?
To be honest, i am almost ready to just lop off 2" of barrel and re-install the front sight and make it a cylinder bore.


brownells sells bore reamers in both "D" (.656" - .718") and "E" (718" - .781") ranges, plus the centering bushings;
which i can use to just ream out the constriction, and the whole bore for that matter. I was thinking of taping some sandpaper to a dowel and using that, but that is too sloppy. Problem here is that each reamer is $93-99, and I would need both to get the constriction to .72, plus about 12 bucks each for 2 bushings. The whole shotgun cost about 100$.

I am looking for advice, experiences, etc: what would you do?

I am trying to make a nice slug shooter out of this gun. Is that too much to ask?
